
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday's show was a Sell-Out!

Thanks to everyone who came out for Friday's show. Apologies to anyone who couldn't get in. As far as you know, it was the greatest show on earth, so just stick to that image.

The High Scores would also like to formally apologize to the fire marshal for violating any applicable fire codes.

Stay tuned for future appearances. Next full show will be in January.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

After Party on Friday

Strong Rumors of an after party this Friday at Peter McManus Cafe. At 152 Seventh Ave at 19th St. Just 2 streets and an ave over from the theater.

The High Scores will be there signing Autographs for only $5. Sorry, no personalizations.

Just Go A to B, if you can't figure that out, just don't come.